Best 15 Zinc Rich Foods: Health Benefits & Role of Zinc in Human Body

Best 15 Zinc Rich Foods: Health Benefits & Role of Zinc in Human Body

Is that cut on your finger taking forever to heal? Maybe you are not getting enough zinc. But there is nothing to worry about. You are among the 2 billion people around the world who are deficient in zinc, and you can manage this condition with various foods and supplements. 

Zinc is an overlooked mineral that plays a crucial role in your body. Almost all the cells in your body contain zinc, and you need it for proper growth and development. Since your body doesn't store zinc, you need to consume zinc rich foods every day. 

Here’s a comprehensive guide to understanding zinc, its importance, and the top foods high in zinc to help you fulfill your zinc daily requirement. We will also discuss signs to look for if your body is not getting enough zinc. With that, get to know about Good Monk’s treasured finds- various Nutrition Mixes that help you have a balanced nutritional diet anywhere anytime. 

What Is Zinc?

Zinc is one of the most essential trace minerals in your body. While your body needs only a small amount of micronutrients like zinc, iron, manganese, copper, iodine, cobalt, fluoride, and selenium–they can significantly impact your overall health. Zinc, in particular, is involved in over 300 enzymatic reactions within the body and is crucial for proper growth, immune function, DNA synthesis, and cell division. Unlike some minerals, the body does not store zinc. Thus, consuming zinc rich food items such as zinc rich fruits and vegetables is vital for maintaining overall health and preventing deficiencies. 

15 Foods That Are High In Zinc

Want to boost your zinc intake? Start eating foods that contain zinc. This list of foods high in zinc can be readily incorporated into your meals to support a healthier diet.

1. Oysters

Oysters top the zinc rich food list. Six medium-sized oysters provide more than 50 mg of zinc, which is higher than what an adult needs each day. They are a tasty and healthy food in your diet, usually eaten raw or cooked by steaming or grilling them.

2. Beef

Beef, particularly red meat, contains a lot of zinc. Approximately 3 ounces (85 grams) of cooked beef can offer around 7 mg of zinc. By adding beef to your meals you can fulfill zinc daily requirement and also get the essential nutrients beneficial for fixing muscles and tissues in the body.

3. Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds, with roughly 2.2 mg of zinc for every ounce, are good sources of zinc in plant-based form. They also possess plenty of healthy fats and antioxidants, making them an excellent snack choice. Sprinkle pumpkin seeds over your salads, yogurt, or oatmeal to increase zinc consumption.

4. Chickpeas

One of the handy foods high in zinc is the chickpea, which is both versatile and nutritious. When cooked, it offers around 1.3 mg of zinc per cup. You can put chickpeas into salads, or stews or make them into hummus - a delicious snack that's full of this mineral!

5. Almonds

Almonds provide nearly 1 mg of zinc for every ounce. They contain good fats, vitamin E, and magnesium, which are good for your diet. You can include them in smoothies or baked goods to maximise nutrient intake. 

6. Yoghurt

Yoghurt, especially without added sugar, is a good probiotic source and contains roughly 1.4 mg of zinc per cup. You can eat it alone or with fruit or use yogurt as an ingredient for making smoothies and sauces.

7. Spinach

Spinach, the leafy green vegetable, has around 1.4 mg of zinc in a cup of cooked form. You can balance your zinc levels using spinach in salads, smoothies, or cookery dishes. It’s a smart choice in zinc rich foods for vegetarians.

8. Lentils

A third plant-based option for zinc rich foods is lentils, which give around 1.3 mg per cooked cup. Lentils can be used in soups, salads, and main dishes; they make a healthy meal choice.

9. Cashews

In one ounce of cashews, you get around 1.6 mg of zinc. These nuts are also full of good fats, magnesium, and vitamin K which make them a healthy choice for snacking. Eat cashews separately or mix them into trail mixes. You can even use them as a topping on your most loved dishes!

10. Quinoa

Quinoa, a grain that provides around 1.1 mg of zinc per cooked cup, is also a full protein with all nine important amino acids. It contains fibre along with many vitamins and minerals. Quinoa can be used in salads, side dishes, or breakfast bowls because it's versatile, too!

11. Dark Chocolate

Chocolate, particularly dark chocolate snack bars with 70% cocoa content or more, has approximately 3.3 mg of zinc per 100 grams. You can have it as a snack, in desserts, and even as a hot drink.

12. Eggs

Eggs, which provide approximately 1 mg of zinc for each large egg, can easily fulfill your zinc daily requirement. Moreover, they are great suppliers of vitamins B and selenium. You can include eggs in your meal by adding them to salads or main dishes.

13. Mushrooms

Eating zinc rich vegetables daily can make a difference., Mushrooms, especially shiitake mushrooms, have approximately 1 mg of zinc in every cooked cup. They are a good source of fibre and B vitamins. Plus, they contain antioxidants too. You can cook mushrooms by sautéing them, grilling, or adding to soups and stews for more nutrition.

14. Peas

Peas offer around 1 milligram of zinc in every cooked cup. These are also good for adding protein and fibre to your diet with different vitamins and minerals such as vitamins C and K. You can have them fresh, as well as frozen. They taste delicious in soups and salads!

15. Avocados

Zinc rich fruits, like Avocados give close to 0.6 mg of zinc in one fruit. They are also full of healthy fats, fibre and different vitamins and minerals, making them a good choice for any dish you prepare. You can put avocados in salads, or sandwiches or use them as spreads to make your meal healthy and tasty.

Signs of Zinc Deficiency In Your Body

The effects of Zinc deficiency include weakness of the immune system, hair loss, poor wound healing, and loss of appetite. Other symptoms involve loss of taste and smell, skin rash, and stunted growth in the children. If you notice any of these symptoms, you should probably get your zinc levels checked and then modify your diet. 

Health Benefits Of Zinc Food

Zinc rich foods have many health benefits for both age groups. Some health benefits include:

  1. Supports immune function.
  2. Promotes wound healing.
  3. Aids in DNA synthesis.
  4. Supports cell division and growth.
  5. Maintains skin health.
  6. Enhances taste and smell.
  7. Contributes to eye health.
  8. Regulates hormone production.
  9. Supports reproductive health.
  10. Reduces inflammation.
  11. Improves cognitive function.
  12. Supports cardiovascular health.
  13. Promotes healthy digestion.
  14. Aids in nutrient absorption.
  15. Helps maintain metabolic function.

Importance and Role of Zinc in the Human Body

One should not overlook the importance of zinc in the human body. Zinc plays a key part in core body functions. It helps in the immune system, wound healing as well as DNA synthesis and cell division. Additionally, zinc participates in keeping the skin healthy, enhancing eye health, and controlling hormones. Furthermore, its antioxidant nature guards against oxidative stress and inflammation. In addition, zinc is crucial for proper brain function and development, making it essential for cognitive health.

Zinc-Rich Foods Intake Recommendations

Once you know what food has a lot of zinc, you must learn how much of it you need for daily intake. It’s well known that even a small amount of zinc can enhance body function and supercharge your health. Let’s learn more about the specific intake necessary for different categories based on  NIH’s (National Institutes of Health) zinc intake fact sheet :

  • Men aged 14 and older: 11 mg
  • Women aged 14 and older: 8 mg
  • Pregnant women: 11 mg
  • Lactating women: 12 mg
  • Children aged 1-8: 3-5 mg

Good Monk Nutrition Mix Supplements with Zinc

Are you concerned about how to increase zinc in body? Want easy alternatives to regular foods high in zinc? Good Monk brings you the right solution! We have the best zinc supplements for your daily requirements. Plus, we have an elaborate list of supplements to suit everyone's needs–a great substitute for zinc rich foods list. Check out our unique formulations here!

Nutrition Mix for Family

The Family Nutrition Mix from Good Monk Nutrition has zinc and other important elements, making sure that everyone gets their zinc daily requirement. The mix is made specifically to give well-rounded nutrition to every member of the family.

Family Nutrition Mix (Add to Food) - Clinically Proven to improve Energy, Immunity & Gut Health

Nutrition Mix for Seniors

Elders need more nutrients to maintain good health and energy. The Good Monk Nutrition Mix for Seniors has zinc, calcium, and vitamin D, which help with bone health and immune system function. This mix is made especially for the needs of older people and supports healthy aging.

Healthy 50+ Nutrition Mix for Seniors (Add to Food) - Improves Gut Health, Immunity, Bone Health & Mental Function

Nutrition Mix for Gut Health & Immunity

The Good Monk Nutrition Mix for Gut Health & Immunity combines the best zinc foods, probiotics, and fibre. This mix helps maintain good digestion and strengthen the immune system. It is very beneficial for people who want to enhance their gut health and improve their body's natural defences.


Eating zinc rich foods is essential for good health. You can find this mineral in various zinc food sources, from seafood and meat to seeds and nuts from plants. If you see signs of zinc deficiency, consider taking the right supplements, especially for pregnant ladies or elderly people who may need more mineral support in their diet. With a balanced diet and the right Nutrition Mix from Good Monk, you can support your body’s need for this vital mineral.

FAQs on Zinc Foods

How much zinc should a man consume per day?

If you are curious about how much zinc per day for a man is required, then the suggested everyday intake for a man is around 11 mg of zinc. This mineral aids with many functions in the body, such as keeping the immune system strong. Go for any of Good Monk’s Nutrient Mix to ensure zinc intake in the right amounts. 

Which food contains the most zinc?

Oysters are the best zinc foods, offering more than 50 mg in a serving. They are excellent sources of zinc and other necessary nutrients, so why not add them to your diet for added strength?

What fruit is rich in zinc?

Avocados, as a zinc rich fruit, offer around 0.6 mg per fruit. They are also good sources of healthy fats and fibre.
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