
World Mental Health 2024: Know Importance of Mental Health

Mental health has been given much more importance than before. Earlier, whenever people talked about their mental health, the word “abnormal” was associated with it. But, with growing awareness around the world, people are now understanding what is mental health. Mental health is nothing but an individual’s psychological, social, and emotional well-being. Just like your physical health is important, it’s time that your mental health is also given the same level of importance. And to educate people on mental health, 10th October is celebrated as World Mental Health Day. 

On this day, you get to see different campaigns talking about mental health and there are various educational institutes and organisations that discuss this topic in a simple way so that more people understand the importance of mental health. Let’s understand the topic of mental health more deeply. 

World Mental Health Day: Significance of mental health

Mental Health Day was first celebrated on 10th October 1992. It was an initiative taken by a global mental health organisation, the World Federation for Mental Health.  Ever since, every 10th of October has been celebrated as the World Mental Health Day India. On this day, efforts are made by different individuals and organisations to raise awareness about mental health and its importance. Efforts are also made to educate children on the importance of mental health in a simplified way. Psychologists and different support groups extend their help to reach out to people who are in distress. 

Importance of mental health

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one in every eight people suffers from mental disorders. It often becomes difficult to identify a person’s mental condition until they are ready to talk about it. For years, there’s been a social stigma regarding talking about mental health. Sometimes when you say that you’re not doing well mentally, people associate it with madness or abnormality. And this is where the significance of mental health comes into the picture. 

When you talk about mental health, you’re talking about how a person thinks, feels and acts. Mental health deals with a person’s social, psychological and emotional well-being. It is important to keep a check on the mental behavior of yourself and your loved ones for a better and more peaceful life. Mental health is directly linked to your physical health and quality of life. So, the more you take care of your mental health, the more happy your physical health will get. 

Mental Health Day: XX Benefits of meditation

One of the major signs of worsening mental health is anxiety, depression and stress. Given the daily hustle people go through it is normal to be stressed. What’s not normal is stressing or being anxious all the time. If you’ve been stressing a lot lately, you can try to meditate for a while. Even a few minutes of meditation can make you calm and peaceful. Here’s why you should do meditation for health:

Relaxation and Reducing Stress

Stress is one of the major reasons for bad mental health. The competitive environment and hectic life have now added to the stress factor. It is not entirely possible to live a stress-free life, but what a person can do is to reduce some level of stress. And meditation can be a way to achieve that. When you meditate you’re basically putting your focus on one thing and that’s how you can get rid of the voices in your head that causes your mind to stress. 

Lessens Depression

National Mental Health Survey has suggested that about 15% of adults suffer from depression. It is due to this reason many, the suicide rate worldwide has gone up. The causes of depression can be many. While a toxic work environment can be a common reason for depression, failed relationships and family problems can also amount to depression. Sometimes, people don’t even have knowledge that they’re suffering from depression until they see a psychologist or are being clinically tested. 

Enhances Willpower

The practice of meditation requires you to close your eyes and put your mind in one place. This way you can block out the noises that are constantly travelling across your head. With at least a 15-minute meditation, you can focus on deep breathing. This will put your mind and soul in a better place and you will enhance your willpower. With a sound and healthy mind, you will feel confident. And this way you will get the willpower to work through the difficulties that would come in your life. 

Improves Sleep

Sleep deprivation can make a person chaotic and grumpy. There can be various reasons for a person not getting enough sleep. Sometimes people have difficulty going to sleep at a reasonable hour. In such a scenario, meditation can help. Just close your eyes, sit straight and allow your mind to rest for a while. Then take deep breaths. After about 10-15 minutes, you will feel nice and calm and this will help you fall asleep. For better results, you can incorporate meditation before you go to bed at night and it will help you fall asleep faster. 

Reduces Headache

Stress and anxiety can cause severe headaches in a person. You can also get bad migraines if you’re outside in scorching sunlight. While medications are available in the market, you shouldn't be completely dependent on them. Instead, you can try some meditation. Meditation requires you to close your eyes and relax your mind and body which eventually reduces the frequency of headaches and migraines. For better results, you can put on calming music and practice meditation. 


Just like you take care of your physical health, your mental health requires attention and care. If you feel anxious, lost, or stressed quite often seek help or at least talk about it in a safe space. You can also include meditation in your daily lifestyle to make a change. Sometimes good food can also put you in a better mood. But, you also need to eat something tasty and nutritious. And where can you get that? Well, GoodMonk can be a good choice. 

If you’ve been feeling fatigued for a while why not try GoodMonk’s Nutrition Mix? Alternatively, you can try the 50+ Nutrition Mix and restore the energy to keep your body and mind going. 


1. What is the theme for World Mental Health Day 2024?

This year’s World Mental Health Day theme was Mental Health Work. The theme was set to discuss the recent suicides in workplaces highlighting the negative impact of job-related stress. 

2. What are some common mental health issues?

Some common mental health issues include stress, anxiety disorders, depression, Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), etc. a

3. How can I get involved in World Mental Health Day?

You can practice self care, attend a mental health workshop or attend a seminar on the importance of mental health and celebrate World Mental Health Day. 

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